Junior Choir
Designed for young singers, this dynamic class offers a fun and supportive environment where children can explore the joy of choral singing. Through engaging rehearsals, vocal exercises, and repertoire ranging from traditional to contemporary songs, students will develop vocal technique, musicality, and teamwork skills.
The following topics provide a solid foundation for understanding and creating music. The course may involve practical exercises such as sight-reading, singing intervals, and analyzing musical examples. Keep in mind that the depth of each topic can vary, and some high school music theory courses might cover more advanced concepts depending on the curriculum:
Notation and Terminology: Treble and bass clefs; note names and values (whole, half, quarter, eighth, etc.); rests and their values; dynamics (loudness) markings; tempo markings
Scales and Key Signatures: Major and minor scales; circle of fifths; construction of scales; key signatures and how they affect notes
Intervals: How intervals are measured (e.g., seconds, thirds, fifths); naming intervals (e.g., minor third, perfect fifth); recognizing intervals by ear
Chords and Harmony: Triads (major, minor, diminished, augmented); seventh chords (major 7th, dominant 7th, minor 7th, diminished 7th); chord progressions and functional harmony; roman numeral analysis
Rhythm and Time Signatures: Time signatures (4/4, 3/4, 6/8, etc.); basic rhythms and subdivisions; syncopation and ties
Melody and Counterpoint: Building melodies using scales and intervals; voice leading principles; basic contrapuntal techniques
Form and Structure: Musical forms (binary, ternary, rondo, etc.); sections within a piece (intro, verse, chorus, bridge, coda)
Ear Training: Recognizing and identifying musical elements by ear (intervals, chords, rhythms)
Musical Analysis: Analyzing simple compositions for their structural and harmonic elements
Composition and Arrangement: Basic principles of creating melodies and harmonies; arranging music for different instruments or voices
Music History and Styles: Introduction to different musical periods and styles (Baroque, Classical, Romantic, etc.)